From the back, my car doesn't look too bad, eh?

From the left, still lookin' good.

From the front . . . err . . . not so much. This is some expensive blog content.

Yeah, this is kind of what happens when you try to drive under the traffic that is (suddenly) stopped in front of you. I did that last Friday night. The roads were wet. The guy in front of me locked up his brakes. I locked mine, but whereas his car stopped, mine did not. It just slid into and then under the back end of his car.

A close-up of the smashed headlamp.

Strangely enough, the gap between the fender and the front door is fine. It wasn't pushed back at all. The door opens and closes just fine.

This picture was taken by the insurance estimator. It's what the front of my car looks like right now.

And this is how I get around now. These are my feet. My car was officially totalled by my insurance company the day before yesterday. The other guy drove away. You never would have known his car was in an accident, but apparently, sight unseen, he still had $2,000 worth of damage to his vehicle. The estimate to fix my car was around $4,000. I'm not sure what I want to do now. I'll need to buy another car, but new, old, etc., I'm not sure. I will have to spend money and I hate to spend money. I will have to spend a lot of money and I really hate to spend a lot of money. We'll see.