With CAM 2008 behind me, I had little rest to start off this weekend. Friday evening, I first went to a get-together of local cachers to meet some of the people who did CAM 2008 and others involved in the activity generally. After that I headed to the
Bonanza Extravaganza to help support the ambulance company I volunteer for,
Community Rescue Service. That was a nice idea, except that I volunteered to work the late shift, forgetting that the next morning I had to get up at 0615 to go back to CRS to leave to go down to a MCI training drill at BWI. That is where I snapped this picture.

The drill let out sometime after noon, so I went and had lunch with the crew I was with on the ambulance (Dennis and Keli) and then went down to the Westfield Annapolis Mall, where I figured I could kill some time and might be able to find some wireless internet to download coordinates to my GPS device. There was wireless, but it was kind of spotty. Ultimately I completed my downloads in the Towson public library. Yes, with time to kill before the concert I was going to, I decided to do some more geocaching. This is the view from where I tried to find the first cache. It was a steep little hill next to the parking lot of a diner. The hint for this cache said I didn't have to climb up the hill, but I didn't read that before I got home.

This tower was near where the cache was supposed to be. I say "supposed to be" because I never did find it.

I saw this container, which looked big enough to hold a cache, and was already partially open. I didn't let the lettering dissuade me. I opened it fully to find out that it contained--poison, just like it said. Oops!

Frustrated by that cache, I went on to seek the next one. This is the grave of a lady named Schmuck, right smack in the middle of everything being built up in downtown Towson. Unfortunately, I didn't read the descriptions for these caches, and I learned when I got home that this was just the first in a series of locations which held clues that could be used to solve a puzzle to get the coordinates of the cache. So I found what I was supposed to, but didn't find a cache, because (I guess) there wasn't one here to be found.

While I was walking all around Towson, I came upon the abandoned storefront of a CompUSA. Remember these?

I also came across this on my way to the concert. Who owns this sporty little Mustang GT? How about the
Maryland State Police. See those little blue and red lights in the windows? I'll bet this car gets a lot of people in trouble.

Rounding out the evening was the reason I was in Towson, namely the Tyranny and Bloodshred tour! Headlining was the group Arch Enemy. They put a lot of energy into the performance, right from the start. It was really pretty cool to see. They did a really good job. Firewind had a pretty classic metal sound. Dark Tranquility was OK, but the vocalist looked kind of wasted. Happy, but wasted. Divine Heresy sounded more hardcore, grindcore, or whatever blahcore you want. Maybe they were great if you like that stuff, but I don't. Anyway, I'm happy I got to see Arch Enemy this time around.